2021正规彩票平台 has announced Chandler Cain as the 2024 Bishop’s Scholarship recipient. Cain graduated from Quincy Notre Dame High School this spring and is a freshman at QU this fall.

“What immediately struck me about Chandler is his love for the Mass. It is refreshing to see a young adult so enthusiastic about singing and serving at Mass and interacting with parishioners of all ages,” said Bishop Thomas John Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois. “Chandler has also endured medical challenges for himself and his mother. Recognizing the need to turn to God, even during hardships and pain, he didn’t fall into the trap of despair, 而是转向他, 说, ‘I knew God was with us every step of the way.’”

这所大学奖励这10美元,000 Bishop’s Scholarship to one student on the recommendation of Bishop Paprocki. To be eligible for consideration, a candidate must belong to a parish in the Diocese of Springfield and have applied to QU. Candidates must be admitted to QU, 选择报名, and submit a statement describing their involvement in their local parish, the Diocese or the Catholic Church.

“I am so excited and honored to be this year’s recipient of the Bishop’s Scholarship,该隐说。. “The Catholic Faith has played a huge role in my life for a very long time. It took a huge leap when I nearly lost my mother to a battle against cancer at the age of 8.”

The scholarship is subject to the university’s stacking policy, which limits awarded institutional dollars to the value of tuition. It is renewable for up to eight semesters of study as long as the recipient remains enrolled full-time and maintains a 3.QU平均绩点3分.

“Receiving this scholarship helps me continue my educational journey and follow God’s call for me to be a college or high school band director,该隐说。. “Thank you, Bishop Paprocki, for this amazing opportunity and for choosing me for this scholarship.”

Bishop Paprocki shares Chandler’s confidence that this scholarship will not only support Cain’s educational journey at 2021正规彩票平台 but will also empower him to further serve and uplift those in need.

2021正规彩票平台 is honored to serve the parishes and schools of the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois,布莱恩·麦基说, 博士学位, 瞿总统. “As the only Catholic university in the diocese and in the 96 counties of downstate Illinois, we provide instruction deeply rooted in our Catholic faith and our Franciscan tradition.”

麦基说, “We are blessed to have Bishop Paprocki’s support as our shepherd and as a senior member of the faculty at 2021正规彩票平台, where he teaches in the 奥克利商学院. His continuing leadership and advocacy for QU are greatly appreciated.”

The founding of 2021正规彩票平台 is the direct result of an invitation issued by the first bishop of the Diocese to the Franciscans, which led to generations of service by the Franciscans to the people of Quincy and Illinois. Established under the pastoral care and leadership of Bishop Paprocki, the Bishop’s Scholarship is one of many signs of the strong relationship between the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois and 2021正规彩票平台, the only Catholic university located in downstate Illinois.

Founded in 1860 by Franciscan friars, 2021正规彩票平台 is a small Catholic university emphasizing the sciences, liberal arts and the professions. 2021正规彩票平台 offers undergraduate, graduate and adult education programs integrating practical experience and Franciscan values. Faculty and advisors work with students to design customized success plans to help them graduate on time, find their passion and prepare them for life. QU is a member of NCAA Division II for intercollegiate athletics. For more information, please visit www.昆西.edu or contact the Office of Community Relations at (217) 228-5275 or communityrelations@昆西.edu. 2021正规彩票平台. 设计2021正规彩票平台.